Hi! I’m Chrissy

My name is Chrissy and I’m based in sunny Los Angeles, California. I’m a junior at Loyola Marymount University majoring in Studio Arts with a concentration in graphic design. I’m a graphic designer for Mane Entertainment, concert photographer, and a freelance creative. My specialties include social media strategy, photography, and graphic design.

Creativity has the power to change lives, and I intend to use my skills to nurture others, create change, and leave the world a little better than I found it.

I’m also a musician, guitarist, singer, and illustrator, and love being in front of the camera. The bottom line is that I am a storyteller. I want to tell stories that matter and help others to do the same.

My Story

Throughout childhood and into adulthood, I’ve run every business under the sun. Including a lemonade business, jewelry business, babysitting business, calligraphy business, and Etsy shop plus a few miscellaneous ones in between! Hitting the ground running from a young age gave me the skills I use today as a marketer and entrepreneur, but it didn’t come without trial and error.

Crafting businesses from scratch and shaping the building blocks of a story taught me the valuable lesson of strategy. Wishing and hoping was not going to materialize a successful business out of thin air and I had to hash out the nitty-gritty in order for my dreams to come to fruition. But the execution was on the other side of the same coin and pulling the trigger and going after my dreams was just as important.

I realized fear was getting in the way. I needed someone to push me, someone that had as much ambition as I did. Through experimenting and experimenting, I realized I had a gift. The gift of bringing expansive ideas to life.

My bread and butter is pulling ideas out of the space between dreaming and execution. Taking two dots that seem unrelated and bridging them together. I crave the electricity of knowing that one idea can change the course of someone’s life.

I believe that you have the power to go after your dreams relentlessly and be the magnetic sensation that I know you can be. Great ideas come from the intention of wanting more, doing more, and being more. From there, we can take those seeds and watch them bloom into their potential. I’m going to ask you a question and I want you to answer honestly:

Are you ready to reach your fullest potential and make the impact you know you are destined to pursue?

If the answer is “yes” that means you’re ready to start taking your dreams seriously. If you’re ready to step into your creative power, then you’re in the right place.

Who am I looking for?

I’m looking for clients and collaborators that are dreamers. Action takers that want to make an impact on the world around them, shake things up, and help others in the process. Clients and Collaborators who are excited to get the ball rolling and bring their dreams to life.

I understand that this is more than a brand, business, or Tik Tok account for you. It is your vision of a better world. I want to help you unlock milestones that you didn’t know were possible and go on a journey of exploration with your creations. Together, I believe we can do incredible things, and also have fun in the process :)